this is the canal in downtown richmond. it was a pretty walk but not what i had expected at all. the book that told me about the canal gave me the idea that it was more of a tourist attraction with little stores and opportunities for buying ice cream and less of a... well... canal. i'd like to go back some time when i was more prepared for walking around a canal and less thinking i was going to disneyland.
this is what i call the black tongue. it looks even crazier in real life. how do you get the black tongue? by eating chewable pepto bismol. why do i eat chewable pepto bismol? b/c stress gives me heart burn. thanks a lot stupid job. work is going well but i get stressed and have the black tongue most days.
this is the hat i got for free at the baseball game in baltimore with jon. it was probably the most boring baseball game i've ever watched. the best part was when the hotdogs raced. mustard won. and oh yeah the nationals did too. i think jon's dad might be a secret agent. also, i think jon may have been in fight club. i'm just sayin'.
Your short hair looks cute! I know that its been that way for a while, but I think you wear a lot of hats.
More things in life should be like Disneyland.
that's funny. i think i don't wear hats that often but I seem to only post pictures of me wearing hats! ::hahaha:: the hair is growing out now so it does the flippy outty thing. i've decided to just go with it since i can't fight it. :)
and you're right more things should be like disneyland. that place is AWESOME.
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