Thursday, January 27, 2011

to endor

so it was snowing last night. driving in the snow is a lot like driving at lightspeed to endor. it looks exactly the same. and you often yell 'brakes, where are the brakes?!?'

no joke, it looks exactly like that. it's unreal.

so something i learned yesterday, it's never ok to tell someone of the opposite gender that they are good at yoga. and you should definitely never start that sentence with 'i've been watching you.' because even if you don't mean for it to happen, you're going to come across creepy. and not just kind of creepy. but hiding in the bushes outside of my house creepy. please take note old guy at gym.

that's all b/c it's time for sleeping.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

a very merry unbirthday

the caps finally won a game! YAY!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

wake up every morining feelin' like p diddy

tonight i'm in seattle. this morning was hawaii. tomorrow i'll be washington dc and by the evening richmond. i'd say updates soon but it's unlikely that will happen soon, if ever. maybe when things calm down. and it's not looking like that will happen for a couple months.

at any rate, holidays were nice, vacation was pleasant and now it's back to figuring out life.