Thursday, August 19, 2010

back in the swing

i've started running again. and by running i mean mostly walking. taking a couple months off was a bad idea. at any rate i've done at least 2 miles each day for the last 3 days. in a couple weeks i want to head to the downtown trail for the 6 miler. hopefully it will stop raining for a few days so it's not all muddy but i'm antsy to get back on that trail. i love it so much. it's just the most beautiful run and it totally makes it worth it.

i've developed a phantom of the opera obsession lately. i've watched the movie twice this week. ha. the music is addictive!


Lildonbro said...

...did you ever get to the end the second time? You know when it looped back to the masquerade?

Elaina said...

ha! no, i turned it off!

Laurel said...

You are making my sciatica hurt.