Saturday, April 3, 2010

"You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."

so we're watching sherlock holmes and jessica turns to me and this is what happens:

jessica: ronny told me that if you light a dorito on fire it burns blue... it's either the nacho cheesier ones or the cool ranch ones. he couldn't remember which ones.
me: lets do it.

so i only had nacho cheesier so we decided to light one of those on fire. i stand over the sink with the dorito while jessica lights it on fire. we quickly discover that it is just burning regular and it was probably the cool ranch that does cool stuff (we should have guessed from the name) and so i poured some water on the plate that was sitting in the sink and dropped the chip on it... which immediately sent a fire ball up into the air burning my arm hair off by my wrist.

there must have been oil or something on the plate that burned off when i dropped the flaming chip. that sure was exciting. this was our reaction:

me: i just got my hand caught on fire by a flaming dorito. we really need to start dating so that this isn't what we're doing on saturday nights!
jessica: elaina... i haven't told you because i thought it went without saying...but i don't date girls
me: ::hahaha:: no. if we dated each other we would still be sitting here watching a movie and lighting doritos on fire. we definitely need other people. people who will say "don't light that tortilla chip on fire!"

what an exciting evening. speaking of exciting things we had a pancake breakfast this morning.

fun things happened like:

jim ate butter. friends, i wish that was a joke but it isn't. the man ate butter. from the stick. he picked up the stick and took a bite. a bite of butter. and then i started dry heaving.

joseph walked into our glass door. joseph is one of the smartest people i know. he's probably the smartest guy i know. and so at first i thought he was joking and then i realized he wasn't. and then i laughed. a lot. because i am mean. sorry joseph. i hope your face feels better now!

jim made me a pancake shaped like a shoe. because he is totally into stuff like that. he loves shoes and purses and braiding hair and cooking breakfast. jim is pretty awesome if you ask me.

the men cooked for us. that never happens at our house. i documented the momentous occasion.

so tonight i was thinking about my opinion on panhandlers. i was mostly thinking about it because i think it's not the same as most people's. so now i will share it with you. so, i believe that if you see a person who is homeless and they have some sort of sign asking for help or they ask you for help and if you have money to spare on you then it is your responsibility as a decent person to give it to them.

i know a lot of people say well, they're probably just lying but to me it's not about that. so often people don't ask for help when they really need it and so when i see someone standing there with an actual sign saying i need help, it's only right to do what i can. and if the person is lying that makes them a bad person and not me. they will be accountable for being a liar and a thief. if they're not lying i will be accountable for not using the gifts that have been given to me to help those less fortunate.

i think this thought process applies to other kinds of relationships in our lives. too often we assume the worst of people or do only what we see as being beneficial for another person.

my last blog thought: i'm weird. ::hahaha:: so my roommate amber has this cat who is afraid of the world and just likes to hide around. anyway tonight she decided she loves me and just wanted to sit on my bed next to me. she was like 'hey elaina, lets be friends always. i like you for no real reason other than the fact that you smell good and there is carpet on the floor in here.' i feel like this is my life these days. i also feel like people see me as being a walking television show. i'm not. this probably seems random and doesn't make a lot of sense but it makes sense to me. if you'd like further clarification please contact management. she'd be happy to explain.


Laurel said...

Natalie is always wanting to eat butter, but we don't let her.

If I see someone begging for money I always try to give them food, like the Food on Foot guy said.

What makes you a walking TV show?

Elaina said...

walking tv show = i feel like people expect me to constantly entertain them and they see that as my purpose in life. i feel like i'm often seen as one dimensional... like you would view a character from tv. i swear the next person who tells me i'm the funnest person they've ever met is going to lose an arm! also if i hear one more time that i'm someone i've just met's favorite person my brain might explode. i'm just throwing that out there.

Elaina said...

ps i always think about the food on foot guy and i think the giving food is the best idea ever. sadly i almost never have food on me. if i do i give it to people. one time i was road tripping from az to ca and i ran into some really sad old people who were stuck at a road stop (i can't remember the real name of those things... truck stop, pit stop... my brain is fried). i gave them all the food i had in the car and the cash i had. i don't regret it one bit. once when i was in arizona a young guy came up to me at a gas station and asked if i had some money so he could buy gas. i gave him $20 b/c i had the money. he started crying and asked if he could give me a hug. he said one day when he had the money he was going to do something this wonderful for someone else. all over $20. even if every other person i have given money to was a liar those experiences have made it worth it.

i wish there was a program like food on foot here that i could work with. i wish i could start one myself but i just don't know that i have it in me. i wish i did. i wish i had that kind of love for people. maybe one day. i'll add that to my list of things to work on.

britt said...

That 'Jim eating butter' picture makes me want to punch something.

You totally have it in you to start something like food on foot! I think the story you told about the young guy, and that couple prove that you *do* have that kind of love for people!

Lildonbro said...

Haha! I'm so far behind on reading blogs I didn't even realize that you had posted about the Dorito burning.

Sad day that Cool Ranch doesn't do it either.