Sunday, July 17, 2011

woo girl

the other day my boss went to refer to me as "the new girl" but by mistake said "the crazy girl" instead. that cracked me up. she was like oh wow, i'm really sorry. whatevs. they really like me there, so that's good. on friday my boss decided that we're going to go on a roadtrip to florida some time soon. so she may think i'm crazy but she must also think i'm awesome. i can accept that.

i pick up random manerisms all the time. the latest is shrugging to my own thoughts. i'm trying to get me to stop doing it. but that seems to only make it worse. i'm wondering where i picked that up. hmph.

man, i'm super obsessed with the show ghost adventures right now. i love it b/c a few nights a week they play it for like 4 hours in the middle of the night. so it's awesome b/c i get to see it regularly. but even better than that is zak bagans. ok so zak is a good looking fellow. not exactly my type (he's lacking in the facial hair department) but he's still a handsome fellow. but the best thing is his reactions. he's always like look at the hair on my arms! or feeling energy going through himself. i don't know... it's just hilarious. if you haven't seen that show, please check it out.

i hate the commercial for the perfect meatloaf pan. gross. why do we need meat in a loaf? why do we have to cover it in ketchup? why can ketchup also be spelled catsup? i just don't get it.

i was watching an interview with anthony bourdain (LOVE him, beeteedub) and he was talking about how americans eat too much crap ground meat. i agree but i also love cheeseburgers. that's life.

anywho, tomorrow is my audition / screening for the mortified project. I feel kind of like this isn't the greatest decision but this is the second time i've signed up so i need to just do it. the mortified project does dramatic readings of things you created when you were under the age of 21. i have my journals from my high school theater class that i'm going to do readings from. i don't know why i get myself into these things.

comedy sportz is going well. hey did you know that pterodactyl is spelled like that? b/c i didn't. that the silent p? tuesday we go to tournament. looking forward to it.

i'm pretty upset that rebecca black took friday off youtube. it mostly makes me angry b/c that song has been stuck in my head for about a week and i can't listen to her sing it. what a let down.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

How did the mortified thing go?