Saturday, February 19, 2011

everybody wants you

etsy does a little article on a featured artist and i find them quite interesting. i've decided to try answering the questions for myself. so, here it goes!

Tell us a bit about yourself.
i think of myself as a gypsy, an explorer, an adventurer. i love seeing new places, experiencing new things and learning. i think that's what keeps me going... the learning. the falling in love with new things. i'm currently in the east coast phase of my life but i will always claim i'm a californian, no matter how long i'm away. i live for things that make me laugh and i'm always looking to grow.

Apart from creating things, what do you do?
besides the 9-5 office job, i love to have things to do as an outlet. i'm in a local improv troupe, i'm a huge caps fan and i like to listen to jazz. i love to run when the weather is nice (a fair weather jogger, of course), i like to paint and read. i like to think about outer space and dinosaurs. i love traveling and using public transportation. i like finding interesting pieces of art for my growing collection.

What would be the title of your memoir? Why?
my eyes are green like my eyes would be the title. i came up with that when i was 5. i've always thought it was quite brilliant.

Where does your inspiration come from?
i think you have to draw inspiration from the things around you. you can't just sit around hoping inspiration happens to you. you have to be out doing and seeing and it will come. funny moments happen all the time if you're looking for them.

What does handmade mean to you?
handmade is something special from one person to another. i wish we valued this more in each other. those moments we take to do something small for another person. having something someone has created is having a piece of them.

If you could peek inside the studio of any artist, designer or craftsman (dead or alive), who would it be?
walt disney. i would love to see the creative process he went through.

What handmade possession do you most cherish?
the pieces of art i have collected over the years. love.

How do you get out of your creative ruts?
a change of scenery usually helps get my brain thinking in new ways again. not knowing what to expect puts me in a place where i'm more aware of my surroundings. i'm also a big fan of a good nap and some chocolate to restart the system.

Where would you like to be in ten years?
i just want to be wonderful.