ok so i took this fabulous picture today while waiting at a red light. the yellow car is sitting in oncoming traffic... pretending that it is the correct place for waiting at a red light. you will notice the black car on the right hand side that his driven past... very slowly. no one wanted to drive past the yellow car. i think everyone was just too stunned. i was not too stunned to pull out my camera and snap this photo. i mean i can totally understand how it can happen... it's not like the directions of traffic are separated by an island with trees and plants... oh wait, it is. well the lady was old so i'm sure that's what her excuse was. 'what?!? i'm old!' after i took the picture i looked over at the car next to me where they were pointing in the 'do you see what's going on' fashion and i was like 'i know, i took a picture ::shrug::' and then the old lady's light turned green and she turned left just like you would if you were in the correct lane. it was awesome.
speaking of old people, one time laurel & i went to see a taping of 'freddie.' the episode was about freddie's grandma dating and i turned to laurel and said something along the lines of 'ewww no one wants to watch old people date.' at which point the woman in front of us turns around a yells at laurel 'YOU'LL BE OLD ONE DAY TOO!!!' laurel was just like 'i didn't even say it!' old people always want me to get stuff off the top shelf at the grocery store for them. i'm ok with that.
people are always saying that the grocery store is a good place to pick up on people. one time this happened to me. or at least someone tried to make it happen. i was picking out some yogurt and a man comes up behind me and says something along the lines about how much he loves yogurt and that i should stock up b/c it was on sale blah blah blah. and i was like ok thanks good bye. anyway he finds me again later in the grocery store and says 'whats your favorite flavor of yogurt?' and i said 'uhhmm strawberry.' and he said 'wow! look! i got STRAWBERRY BANANA!' i was like gee that's awesome, i've gotta go creepy. you probably had to be there to understand why that was so creepy.
ok so one more story of something awesome that has happened in the past:
so, this one time in high school i was at disneyland. we were riding on the jungle cruise and these asian people were sitting next to me and across from me. they were all in a big tour group together. anyway, i'm sitting there minding my own business checking out the backside of water when the woman across from me holds out her camera and says 'picture?' thinking she wants me to take her picture, i gladly agree, at which point she snaps a photo of me and the man sitting next to me. the man sitting next to me then switches with the man next to him and we have another photo op. THEN (no it doesn't end there) the woman pulls out her video camera and they start taking live footage of the men pointing out the animals to me... elephants, zebras, hippos... only the finest in jungle cruise action. finally the ride is over and we're getting off the boat and my friends are giving me the WHAT IS GOING ON look and the asians ask us to all gather round for a group photo and then they hand out lapel pins and keychains as a thank you. i imagine that in some wall in some office in some asian country some man proudly displays the photos of the time he pointed out a fake elephant to some american girl. what more could he possibly want?! i am excited to go to disneyland in a couple weeks for obvious reasons.
You are always getting hit on by random guys in random places.
I ALWAYS tell that story about when you were a celebrity on the Jungle Cruise.
I had forgotten about that woman yelling at me for something that you said, but now I remember, and I am very upset!
random guys do hit on me a lot. do you remember that time we were in the parking lot of the mall and some guy came up and was like 'hey can i buy you a burger?' or one time i was with dan in a denny's parking lot and some guy was like hey you look like you can do the hula. and random kitchen workers are always hitting in me at work. why can't a nice, normal guy hit on me... and not in a parking lot?!?
yeah the jungle cruise is crazy. i always secretly hope that something like that will happen again but it never does.
i like it when old people yell at you instead of me. YAY!
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