Thursday, October 25, 2012


one more thing.  so i was thinking about how everybody's imagination is set someplace different.  and i started to wonder about where my friends are and if it would be where i think it is.  here are some of the people that i had a pretty good idea of where i thought they would be.  of course i could be totally wrong but it's worth a shot...

abby already said her's is in amish country but i would have just imagined a field of wild flowers
lauren i would say is in a castle in scotland
micah is in mythological greece in outerspace
diane is on the deserted island pealcrest (or however it's spelled)
michael is at hogwarts
april is at a beach with palm trees where it's always sunset
little dan is in a starbucks with very comfy chairs
laurel is in a giant library where you have to use those sliding ladders to get to the books
and nate, well, nate is in the ball pit of a very fancy chuck e cheese's

these places probably aren't where you guys go to be alone with your imagination but it's where i hang out with you in my imagination. 


Abigail said...

Oh my goodness, I had totally forgotten about Pealcrest or however it is spelled. I totally accept my field of wildflowers.

Laurel said...

The correct spelling is Peal Cres.

I do like the idea of the giant library.

Its taken me 5 times to pass the word verification.

Elaina said...

Breaking news just in, Laurel is a robot.

Stephanie Garr Adams said...

Elaina, you are just awesome! I love the things you think :)