Friday, November 16, 2012

letter b, letter b, whisper words of wisdom, oooh letter b

hypothetically speaking these are mine
so pictured above are not blanks from the jungle cruise because those stay at the jungle cruise.  but hypothetically speaking if they were from the jungle cruise they would be the first two blank shots i fired from the first boat of guests i took on a tour.  what i love about my first two shots is the object lesson.  you see, all through training when i fired the gun, not once did i have a misfire... both blanks always went off, no problem.  but as you can see from the picture, this was not the case on my first boat.  one has fired and the other, well, it's a misfire.  a misfire basically means that the flat side has been struck by the gun but for whatever reason the explosion just didn't happen.

whenever i see them hypothetically sitting on my desk, it serves as a reminder that in life sometimes it's a hit and sometimes it's a miss.  even though you may have the exact same input sometimes the outcome is different.  you never know.  it's just the way of the road. 

i would love to turn these into earrings but somehow tying a shell with gunpowder to my head doesn't seem like the best idea.  LIFE!

i've been enjoying the new area at work... even working guest control throughout the park (which everyone swore i would haaaate.  actually that's probably why i like it so much.  just to be a brat.).  i am especially loving working fantasmic.  i met a nice guy working that show.  and when i say met i mean met and have unsuccessfully attempted to internet stalk (which is weird b/c i am reeeeeally good at internet stalking).  someone suggested i should go through the scheduling binder to try to find him in the park but i have not yet advanced to stage 2: real life stalking.  things to look forward to, i suppose.

i'm pretty sure the kitten sucks my life force.  she constantly want to be with me and that makes me want to be laying down.  kitten lethargy, coupled with how dark it is all the time has made me feel super lazy the last few weeks.  it's destroying my will to do anything.  the good news: i'm planning to get a bike soon and then i will be outside more often b/c i will be super excited about the new bike.  YAY.

so to recap:

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