Monday, May 7, 2012

happy seis de mayo!

happy seis de mayo everybody! 

seis de mayo is the day we celebrate our past mistakes and look forward to a future where we are a little wiser and more experienced.  and when i say we, i mean me.  and when i say wiser, i mean meh, i'm doing my best. 

the first seis de mayo was celebrated in 2006, in commemoration of may 6, 2005 when i was in la by myself and i broke my foot at a certain improv theater which shall remain nameless.  and since then we take some time on the sixth of may to reflect on the mistakes of yore... not to punish ourselves but to learn, to laugh and to grow.  this holiday is still in it's developing stages but will only grow with time.

do you have a seis de mayo story you'd like to share?  hmmm?

one of this year's mistakes?  dying my hair brown.  dying my hair brown is fun for about 3 weeks... and then i spend months crying about how expensive it is to get my hair back to it's natural color (which still hasn't happened except at the ends and the roots... i'm claiming it's very subtle ombre).  or how about when i had my nose pierced for like a month?  that was pretty silly.  and also awesome.  hahaha.  really what i learn at the end of every seis de mayo is that my mistakes make me who i am and sometimes i just want to high five me... even when i'm being a ding dong.

i'm a big believer in making up holidays with your own personal significance attached to them.  because most holidays are ridiculous anyway, so why not have ones that are you own brand of ridiculousness?  in addition to seis de mayo, i also celebrate turkey boxing day.  turkey boxing day happens the day after thanksgiving.  and it is the one day a year i can eat leftovers without feeling poor.  and who can forget cheap candy monday... the monday after easter when all the candy is on clearance.

in other news, i'm about to tell a story that seems depressing but it really isn't.  so last night i had a dream that i was back in virginia and i was at comedy sportz and i was having to say good bye to all my friends again.  if i haven't said this lately, i love the people at comedy sportz in richmond... a lot.  i've never in my life known people who were so interesting, vibrant, genuine and good.  anyway, in my dream i was saying good bye and i was just crying and it was so sad that it woke me up and i was crying in real life. when i realized i was awake it just seemed so odd to me.  that something that was happening in my dream was so sad and so real that i would actually physically start crying in my sleep.  not because i'm actually sad about the thing but b/c the imagining of it was so real.  i mean, it's not that i don't miss my comedy sportz family, i do.  but i'm not actively sad on a daily basis about being gone. i don't know that this made any sense.  i guess the point i'm trying to make is that our imaginations are very powerful things.

side note: my comedy sportz family is comprised of some of the absolute most interesting people i have ever met.  i don't know if it's just something in the water or what but i swear they're just more interesting than the people i meet anywhere else.  from now on i'm going to use this as the reason why i think basically everyone i meet lately is lame and i'm going to stop feeling bad about it.

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