Sunday, February 5, 2012


hey, it smells like skunk. also i'm using my tiny laptop... which makes it impossible for typing but makes me look like a giant. you win some, you lose some. additionally, i'm up and running on skype again. leave me a message if you want to get connected on there and i'll give you a skype tour of where i live.

my muscles from my shoulders to calves are sore. the park near my house has workout equipment in it. like next to the slide there are weight machines. i've done them twice this week and now i want to die. which is awesome! soon i will be buff and it will be all that park's fault.

tonight i made meat pies for dinner. i used to do that all the time when i was younger. but i made them fancy tonight with red onion and basil and cheese. it's like old times but fancy.

i really need to learn how to roller skate. and how to fall without getting hurt. but before i do any of that i need to get health insurance. these are all facts.

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