this last week has been rough, to say the least. april, my roommate from the last year i lived in virginia, was in a terrible car accident on monday. virginia got snow on sunday and monday morning on her way to work she hit a patch of ice and slid under a semi. long story short, she had surgery to repair her pelvis (which has several fractures) on friday. she is in good spirits but has a long recovery ahead of her. she will be in the hospital about another month and will be in a wheelchair for about 6 months. but the good news is, she is alive and handling it like a champ. april is a strong, lively, optimistic woman so i know she will pull through better than anyone else could. it's hard to be so far away during these times. life can, and does, change in an instant.
in other news, i have two jobs now. job one: i'm working for the international quidditch association as a member services coordinator. basically, i'm seeking out teams and getting them to join the league and making sure current members are happy with their membership. and now to cover the questions before you ask them: yes, i am serious. yes, people really play it. and no, they don't fly. further details can be found at: or check out videos on youtube. we have our first meeting tomorrow and i'm super excited.
job two: i'm working at disneyland as a host at innoventions. innoventions is a building near space mountain that showcases technology. i will be giving presentations in that building. my first official day of work is march 10. and now to cover the questions before you ask them: yes, my dreams are coming true. yes, i will try to switch over to the jungle cruise as soon as i'm able. and no, i don't have free tickets for you (unless i do. how will you ever know?!).
i got to skype with the eatons yesterday. i adore them. if anyone wants to skype... let me know! here's a thing that is totally unrelated to the previous thought, i really hate when people i've just met ask too many personal questions. i feel like everyone i meet lately is weird and grills me about my life and i want to poke their eyes out. i, however, love it when my friends ask me too many personal questions. and that's totally me not being sarcastic.
i got a library card b/c i wanted to reread the harry potter books in hopes that it would cheer me up. i checked out some calvin & hobbes and some peanuts and the first two potter books. i love books.
ooooh! it just started raining! i knew it!
my sister and i were trying to decide what the opposite of type a is. turns out, type b. also, it turns out type a probably doesn't mean what you think it does. and if it does mean what you think it does and you claim to be type a... you should probably stop talking to me b/c you crazy! so what is the word that is the opposite of a control freak but not a doormat? also why doesn't google have the answer for that already?
speaking of google, one time a salesperson tried to tell me that yahoo was the most popular search engine and i was like 'hold on, i need to yahoo that to see if it's true.' he didn't think that was very funny.
one final thought: DANCE MOMS.
I love fresh updates! And I promise to always grill you about every aspect of your get ready to start sharing!!!!
PS remember when your tire blew and Andrei and I helped change it and Andrei hit on the road service lady by flexing his muscles?
Elaina.... watching Dance Mom's is like doing crack. Addictive yet leaves you feeling empty afterwards... don't do it! Haha.
Thanks for Skyping with us! It was good to see you!
I have switched to Yahoo b/c I was uncomfortable with the way Google is trying to steal my thoughts. I've also started wearing an aluminum foil hat.
Santa brought brooms to my children this year for Christmas. He also brought Matthew chocolates in the shapes of baseballs, basketballs etc. Matthew would run around on his broom and throw one of those chocolates in his mouth, he said it was a snitch and he was catching it in his mouth ala Harry Potter.
Just an interesting Quidditch involved tidbit for you.
He is watching a video from the Quidditch World Cup right now in rapt attention.
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