today i became a little worried that maybe i love richmond a little too much. i had a meeting in downtown and as i walked through the streets on my way i just was struck by the fact that i really love this place. i love the way the air feels. i love the buildings and the people. it's very different from ca here. people can say things you can't say in ca. even within the business community. actually especially within the business community. over the weekend a friend asked me what my favorite thing about richmond was and my answer is the business community. it's small, it's home town-y, once you meet a few people you're pretty connected. it's supportive and the people want one another to do well, to succeed, to become better for the sake of the community. by no means am i saying the city doesn't have it's issues but it's driven by a group who desires to make things better for everyone.
so what worries me? i want to stay here. that's never happened before.
I am glad you like it here! I love having you here! :o)
richmond is the best. you should for sure stay there! plus your bff is AMAZING!!!!!
What can you say?
people here talk about God a lot more than they do any where else. I was go to workshops about how to be a better businsess person and about half of it will usually be about counting your blessings and be thankful and praying for help with your business. It's very different from CA.
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