Saturday, June 16, 2012


people like to come up to me at work and tell me what walt disney would think of things.  i think it's kind of presumptuous to assume you know what walt disney would want for certain things.  today some man was telling me that walt would be happy the park is thriving but would be angry that the hotel was so expensive to stay in.  i just smiled and gave him tips for bidding on priceline... which was the only reasonable response i was able to come up with.

i really love it when someone comes into the dream home and plays music that isn't lady gaga on the piano.  i don't know what beginning piano students used to learn, but now it's only lady gaga.  today we had a man who was plying disney music.  he was playing the intro music from up and i nearly started crying.  what a sucker.

i wanted to record my most embarrassing moment before i forget what it is.  i have this problem that when people ask 'what's your most embarrassing moment?' i can't think of what it is.  but now i have one.  actually it happened in like september or october of 2011.  i was out to dinner before comedy sportz practice with a few of the other players.  we went to the pho restaurant that was in the same shopping center as the theater so that we would make it to practice on time.

anyway, we're sitting there and the waiter comes out and says something to one of the girls about how he came to a show and then points at me and is like "i remember you, you were really funny.  i would date you."  anyway he walks away and we were laughing about it and i was like 'whatever, he's just joking around.' but my friend was like no he is serious and she calls him over and was like 'are you serious because she thinks you're joking.' meanwhile i'm turning colors and shouting 'DO NOT ANSWER THAT!!!'  in the uproar he says something along the lines of no i'm serious and she tells him not to come back until he has some flowers and his phone number written down.  at this point i'm dying and i'm just like seriously, we can never have pho ever again (and i'm pretty sure that was the last time i had pho).  after lots of threats and telling everyone they weren't allowed to talk about any of it ever again the guy comes over with some of the green plants they use in pho
yeah, i'm talking about that  leafy green plant on the plate
  wrapped up in a paper napkin ring with his phone number written on it.  at which point i basically died and sank of the table for the remainder of the incredibly uncomfortable meal.  and that is the story of that.  the moral of the story is, if you want to embarrass me, just ask strangers (or really any person, for that matter) if they want to date me while i'm standing there... and then i will proceed to die.  BOYS!

second most embarrassing moment was when i had my work birthday lunch at red robin with my boss and the general manager of the restaurant.  at the end of the meal they went to sing their dumb birthday song and they make some joke about how you turned 21... but i was only turning 23 and i looked 12. so it wasn't funny and everyone i work with just thought i was seriously turning 21.  and i nearly started crying.  which only made it more embarrassing.  the end.

i don't know why i felt the need to share that but i did.  and so now, you must share your stories of your most embarrassing moments.  and hopefully your stories involve things that are embarrassing for normal people... and not just ACK I'M AFRAID OF BOYS!


Lolo said...

Every time I think of my most embarrassing moments... It makes me think of that section they have in teen girls' magazines about most embarrassing moments... Except I'm old. Let's get together again - somewhere where I can concentrate a little more on conversation and a little less on chasing my wild child and I'll tell you mine.

Laurel said...

I think Walt would be happy with the 30% military discount at all the Disney hotels, but he wouldn't be thrilled about how ridiculously expensive it is to get into that place. I also think Walt would be unhappy with how suddenly stingy they are about Club 33 and that you don't get a pass to Disneyland anymore with your reservation. I also think Walt would really want to give me, Dave and all of our present and future children lifetime passes. Make sure to pass that on to your supervisor.

I can't believe that's your most embarrassing moment, you didn't even do anything embarrassing. All you did was be funny and attractive to a waiter. I don't think you should be embarrassed about being attractive. I think you should be embarrassed about falling on your face or your butt or throwing up all over someone you like or something like that.

I've already told you my most embarrassing moment.