Thursday, June 14, 2012

here we gooooOOOOoooo

i was driving to work today and in my head i pictured when i got home from work tonight... and in my head i saw myself sitting on the couch crying into a bowl of soup.  and then i was like dang, that's the most depressing idea ever.  crying into a bowl of top ramen.  it's sad and poor.

that show america's next food network star or whatever is on.  the show said i get to vote on who wins the last episode.  i've already decided that i'm voting for alton brown.  i know he isn't competing but i'm going to write him in on the ballot.  i love alton brown.

i also love mo rocca.  have i mentioned that lately?  mo rocca is hilarious and i love the sound of his voice.  i could listen to him all day.  MO ROCCA!  i want mo' mo rocca!

there was an earthquake tonight.  but i didn't feel it.  because i was on the stairs.  and stairs are immune to earthquakes, i guess.  i went upstairs and one of the new guys was like 'does the building normally shake?' and i was like uhhmm no, what?  and then some other people came over and we all decided it was an earthquake... and that was confirmed by the internet.  what kind of world do we live in when we can't use our bodies to decide if there has been an earthquake?

on my drive to work today i decided i'm going to write my book and i'm going to use my wine adventures friends as the main characters.  if that's not ok, they need to speak now or forever hold their peace (you know who you are).  nothing?  great!  i will now make you famous.

who wants to go see prairie home companion at the hollywood bowl with me in july?  everyone does?  ok great, let's go!

do a google images search for anne burrell.  and come back.  i'll wait...  ok, what in the world is up with her hair?  i think she must be cruella de vil before she loses her mind for puppies.  if you were going to lose your mind for something, what would it be?  i think i'd lose my mind for bubbles.  i love bubbles.  BUBBLES AND MO ROCCA.  heck yes, i would lose my mind for that.

1 comment:

Stephanie Garr Adams said...

I love you Elaina! You make me laugh :)