Tuesday, September 13, 2011

she bangs, she bangs

so i woke up this morning with the clap o'meter song stuck in my head. i think i've only heard it once and the words are just "here comes the clap o'meter" over and over. and because of this i think i can plead insanity for what happened this morning.

you know how sometimes you think to yourself 'this is a bad idea... but i'm going to do it anyway' and then you realize you are holding a fist full of your hair that is no longer attached to your head in one hand and scissors in the other hand?

yes, me too.

so i cut my bangs this morning. it was a bad decision. i mostly was hoping that it would just turn out ok by some sort of miracle. i did it in one big slice. i've never in my life cut hair before. unless you count that time when i was 6 and i was mad at my sister and i cut a chunk out of the middle of her bangs. i don't count that. she probably does, though. at any rate my entire head is pretty much a disaster now. i'm thinking i should buy a box of brown hair dye tonight... and then maybe no one will notice the crazy cut. *if anyone reads this soon, please stop me on the hair dye idea*

i'm coming to california in about a month. hopefully all my hair grows back by then. speaking of california, should i rent a car while i'm there? do people in california still use cars? it's been so long!

the good news is that it is likely that cutting my own bangs is probably the dumbest decision i'm going to make today. probably. *if you would like to help me make more dumb decisions today, i'm game.*


britt said...

I don't think your bangs look bad.

You should rent a car if you have the $$$.

Try the gallon challenge again.

Brianna said...

Your bangs look cute and nothing about them say home haircut. No hair dye though...as I recall this never works well. Do you want me to make you an appointment with my lady in Stafford to get your hair all back on track? She's amazing. I swear. 10 years and never one bad or uneven hair cut.
P.S. I ran out of time to try Pat's this morning, but I'm still planning on it.

Laurel said...

The gallon challenge incident is why no one should leave you two alone!

I think your bangs look pretty nice, and better than the bangs we got at Fantastic Sam's.