Tuesday, September 20, 2011


things i don't like:
*when people say someone is a character
*when a lady says she is sick and someone says 'maybe you're pregnant'
*mashed potatoes

things i like:
*old goofy movies

things i'm neutral about:
*apple juice
*going to movie theaters


Laurel said...

I love flip flops and apple juice.

Erica said...

Once you get married, everything is equated to you being pregnant.

The pregnancy list:

My back hurts- Your pregnant! (No I had back surgery!)

I have a cold- When you are pregnant you have a lowered immune system.

The car in front of me just cut me off- It's probably because they hate babies and you are carrying one inside your stomach, unbeknownst to you who is supposedly carrying it.

I could go on, but I won't.