i believe this is a drawing of me. my paranoia about being stabbed at work or shot any time outside of work has reached an all time high. which is awesome. and by awesome i mean making me think i've become a crazy person. i blame the sudden surge of violent crimes that have hit close to home.
anyway tonight the front door was making pounding noises which led to dan telling me i should hide in the closet but there's no room in the closet and my axe is buried under 72 hours worth of supplies because i'm also paranoid about hurricanes making my life flood and there being no electricity for weeks. some times i really wish people just didn't tell me things because i have a ridiculous over active imagination and a crippling fear of everything. ugggh. i'm considering getting a baseball bat to keep under my bed. and i probably need to get a gun. and valium. mostly some valium.
i hate being afraid of everything.
Don't be afraid of hurricanes! The other thing I can't help you with...maybe I need some valium too.
Please don't get a gun...for MY safety.
Remember that time you called me to ask if I was home because my door kept opening and closing?? Sorry about that.
P.S. tell me you drew that little guy and he'll be on a shirt soon...I want it.
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