Tuesday, April 26, 2011

nothing at all

first, i hate getting old. my body has decided that a good reaction to spicy food is hiccups. hate it. it started around my birthday in january. my body said 'uhmm you're 27 now... no more enjoying life. or at the very least you will be in pain while you eat that glorious, lip tingling hot chicken pasanda.' as long as i don't start hiccuping from chocolate i'll be ok.

anyway, do you ever have that feeling like everything you do is golden? that's how i feel lately. like someone sprinkled me with glitter that makes me charming and funny and just generally the most amazing thing anyone has ever seen. i had an old man say i was a "nice broad" today. amazing, right? if my life had a theme song right now it would be this:

for real, y'all.

the drive-in is open again in goochland. i'm practically shaking with joy. ::joy:: i really want to go this friday night. wants to goooooo.

my sister and i are doing a half marathon in january at disneyland. i am beyond excited. but i need to seriously get in gear. i got one of those website discount things today for 20 bootcamps classes for $20. i figure that will be a good way to jump start my workout routine.

yesterday at work one of my coworkers was talking to me about how i have a lot of guys friends (the last few years, but especially since i moved to virginia, i haven't really been able to find many female friends that stick around. it's usually the opposite and i'm starting to worry. i always tell guys not to trust a girl who says she doesn't have any female friends. it's not that i don't have female friends... it's just that i seem to have more guy friends these days and they seem to have better friendship longevity.) but i'm never dating anyone and i was like yeah i know, that's life i guess. anyway, i went back to my office and one of our managers comes in. he's probably in his early 50s and is an adult. anyway, i was being goofy and i say 'why don't boys love me?!?' now usually he will just humor me and laugh and walk away, which was the reaction i was expecting. but every once in a while he's like 'bam truth bomb.' yesterday was a truth bomb day, i guess, because he turns to me and says 'because you're scary.'

me? scary?

to adult men?




i still don't believe it. and i'm now asking all the dudes out there to please reassure me that i'm not actually scary. and this isn't even the dude that when he told me he loved me i responded with 'i know.' now that guy should think i'm scary. the rest of them have no reason to be afraid of me. no. reason. there are actual things in this world to be afraid of. like heights. socialism. the fact that they never did catch that anthrax guy.

hey, did you guys i know i collect plastic snow globes? pretty awesome right? the collection has grown substantially since i moved to virginia. anyway, i just wanted to let everyone know, that's all.

my lips are still on fire from that chicken pasanda.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

I always hiccup when I eat spicy food, it started when I was 19 and Enrique dared me to eat an entire packet of taco bell fire sauce. I did, and it was no big deal, but I got the hiccups and now I am cursed.

I like that song and I kind of think it will be good for my school year . . . except for maybe all the girls snapping.

Disneyland has a half marathon?