Tuesday, June 5, 2012


i was watching that show mystery diners, or whatever it's called, tonight and it reminded me that bartenders are shady.  i had almost forgotten about that, seeing as how it has been over a year since i have had to work directly with any bartenders, but seriously i'm pretty sure all bartenders are thieves. 

i was driving home from work today and i was angry about something and replaying it in my head and suddenly my brain pictured the person who had ticked me off getting a pie in the face.  it cracked me up.  my brain is awesome.  i think people should be punished by being pied publicly.  that seems fair.

the first time i typed 'publicly' i wrote 'pubicly'.  that is not the same... at all.

the thing i admire most in life is a person who is a hard worker.  in other news, once a person has spent a little bit of time with me it becomes very easy to know what i'm thinking just by looking at my face.

i have been having this fight with my brain lately:
me: you need to stop calling everyone you see a moron.
my brain: wanna bet, dummy?
me: yeah, what's your deal?  you think you're better than everyone else?!
my brain: yes.  also, these people aren't nearly as interesting as your other friends.
me: FACT.

there was a point today when i thought to myself 'if i don't get some chocolate right now, i'm going to flip out.'  it made me think that maybe i was dealing with dementors.  when i went to the vending machine it gave me an extra candy bar.  i considered that a high five from the universe.

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